Pancake Platter

This brunch platter looks super impressive but is minimal effort. I literally cooked 2 things in under 5 mins! Thank me later cool mums x


Let's Cook → Video


Prep: 15 mins | Cook time: 5 mins | Serves: 6-8


What you will need:

  • Greens pancake mix
  • A packet of bacon
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • EVOO
  • 2 Bananas, sliced
  • 1 Punnet of strawberries, slice
  • 1 Punnet of raspberries
  • 1 Punnet of blueberries
  • A small serving dish of Nutella 
  • A small serving dish of Caramel syrup
  • A small serving dish of Chocolate chip buttons
  • A small serving dish of maple syrup



  • Start by adding water to the pancake mix and shake the bottle well 
  • Melt some butter in a pan and pour the pancake batter into little pikelet size pieces, once cooked on both sides, remove and set aside 
  • Add a drizzle of EVOO to the pan and cook up the bacon to your liking, then set aside 
  • To assemble the platter, place the pancakes on your platter however you like, these are the hero of this platter, and then place all the other ingredients around them
  • Serve and enjoy!