DIY Pavlova Platter


This platter is super impressive for visitors and the perfect one to have on hand for the entertaining season!


Let's Cook → Video


Prep: 15 mins | Cook time: 20 mins | Serves: 10-15

What you will need:

Raspberry Sauce

  • 1x Punnet Raspberries
  • ⅓ Cup sugar

Whipped cream

  • 600ml Thickened / whipping cream
  • 1 tsp Vanilla essence
  • 2 tbsp sugar


  • 1x Jar chocolate syrup
  • 1x Jar Passionfruit curd
  • 1x Jar Caramel sauce
  • 2x Packets of petite meringue nests
  • 1x Punnet Strawberries
  • 2x Punnets Blueberries
  • 1x Punnet Raspberries
  • 1x Punnet Blackberries
  • 2x Passionfruits halved
  • 1-2 Kiwis sliced with skin removed
  • 2x Mangos sliced
  • 1-2 Handfuls of cherries



  • Place the raspberry sauce ingredients into a small saucepan and cook over medium heat and stir and squish down the raspberries until they melt into a sauce. Remove and allow to cool. Once cooled, pour it into a small jar and set aside
  • Pour the whipped cream ingredients into your mixer with a whisk attachment and whip until soft peaks form. Set aside
  • Start placing all the ingredients onto your serving platter. The trick is to not place all of the same ingredient into one spot - scatter them around!
  • Optional - garnish with some mini meringue kisses over the top
  • Enjoy!