Condensed Milk Dessert


I am going to preface this by saying it is honestly one of the best desserts I’ve ever made, with very little effort… aside from buttering what I can only describe as a squirming toddler (filo pastry). Apart from that, this is easy peasy. Try it, thank me later x



Prep: 10 mins | Cook time: 40 mins | Serves: 10

What you will need:

  • 10 sheets filo pastry
  • 100g melted butter
  • 395g can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Icing sugar



  • Start by painting your filo pastry sheets with some melted butter, crinkling it through the middle and put it in to a semi deep oven tin
  • Pop it into the oven for about 20 mins on 180 °C
  • While that is baking, grab a medium size bowl and whisk together the condensed milk, eggs, full cream milk and vanilla extract
  • You are then going to pour that over the filo pastry and pop it back in to the oven for another 20 minutes on 180 °C
  • It will come out golden and crunchy but also light and fluffy - I wish you could smell this dish through the screen!
  • Sprinkle some icing sugar over the top and serve with some custard or ice cream
  • Let me know what you think!

Credit to the @taste_team legends for coming up with this one!