Ski Lift Hot Chocolate

Ski Lift Hot Choccy…. ☕️🍫This is a big yes from me. I can’t tell you how delicious this was, like a warm hug after a long week 😂 1000% make it this weekend X

  Cocktail → Video


What you will need:

  • 2x Sachets of Avalanche Hot Chocolate
  • 200ml Hot water
  • 200ml Milk
  • 15ml Malibu
  • 15ml Licor 43

To garnish:

  • Whipped cream
  • Cocoa


  • Start by adding the sachets of hot chocolate into a pot along with the hot water and milk. Stir on low heat until warm and then transfer into your mugs
  • Add the Malibu and Licor 43 to the mugs and stir through
  • Garnish with whipped cream on top and a sprinkle of cocoa
  • Serve warm and enjoy!